Electric Summit

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António Martins da Costa

AMC is presently an Adviser to the Executive Board of EDP – Energias de Portugal, after being a member of that body for 15 years (2006-2021). During his period at EDP, he also held, among others, the positions of CEO and Vice-Chairman of the Board at EDP Brasil (2003-2007), Chairman and CEO of EDP Renewables North America (USA, 2007-2009), and member of the EDP Renewables Board of Directors (2008-2011).

Before energy, he worked in the financial sector (1989-2003), becoming General Manager at Bank Millennium BCP, Portugal, and member of the Executive Boards of Millennium BCP’s insurance, pensions, and asset management companies. During part of that period (1999-2002), he was also Director of Eureko BV insurance group, in Netherlands, and Vice-President of the Executive Board of PZU insurance group, in Poland.

He is currently the President of AMCHAM/ American Chamber of Commerce in Portugal, President of PROFORUM (Association for the Development of the Portuguese Engineering), Vice-President of APGEI (Portuguese Industrial Engineering Management Association) and member of the Board of Trustees of Fundação Alfredo de Sousa, the financial sponsor of Nova SBE Business School. He was Vice-President of the Portuguese Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) from 2019-2021.

He is a member of the Superior Board of Universidade Católica Portuguesa since 2024, after being an Invited Full Professor of ISCTE Business School/Executive Education (2021-2024), a member of Porto Business School’s Supervisory Board (2011-2022) and a regular Guest Speaker at Nova SBE Executive Education (2016-2022).

He is also a member of IPCG/ Portuguese Corporate Governance Institute, of Ordem dos Engenheiros/ Portuguese Engineers Association, and President of the Board of Directors of Círculo Eça de Queiroz, an historic sociocultural club in Lisbon.

AMC has a Civil Engineer degree from the University of Porto (1976), the MBA from PBS/Porto Business School (1989), Executive Programs from INSEAD (1995, 2001 and 2003), the PADE/Advanced Program for Executive Development from AESE/IESE (Lisbon, 2001), the AMP/Advanced Management Program from the Wharton School/ UPenn (PA, USA, 2003) and the IDP/International Directors Program (Certified) from INSEAD (France, 2019).

AMC lived and worked 10 years abroad (1999-2009), in Warsaw (Poland), Amsterdam (Netherlands), São Paulo (Brazil) and Houston (TX, USA).

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